Famous Authors
This postcard depicts portraits of some of the most famous Yiddish authors of the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Famous Authors
Included is Sholem Aleichem, I.L. Peretz, Sh. Anski, Sh. Frug, D. Fishman, Y. Dinezon, and Mendele
I.L. Peretz
This postcard depicts Isaac Leib Peretz, a famous modernist Yiddish writer.
I.L. Peretz
Peretz is considered one the three “classic” Yiddish writers.
Jacob Gordin
This postcard depicts the Yiddish playwright Jacob Gordin.
Jacob Gordin
In his career, Gordin wrote more than 70 plays, which were produced in Russian, English, and other languages.
Sholem Asch
Asch was a Yiddish playwright and novelist whose works were bestsellers both in Yiddish and in translation.
Shalom Asch
His play "God of Vengeance" inspired the 2017 Tony Award-winning musical, "Indecent."
Leo Tolstoy
This postcard depicts an illustration of "Lyoff Nikolaevich Tolstoy," commonly known as Leo Tolstoy, writing in a fictional forest
Leo Tolstoy
Tolstoy remains one of the most famous Russian writers, best known for his 1869 novel "War and Peace."