Family Scenes

“The children march along
Like corporals
A children’s band
They toot and blast
Greeting they bear
Blessings they offer
And New Year’s wishes
Any takers out there?”

This postcard depicts a woman in labor surrounded by visiting family. It was published by Williamsburg Art Co., New York and was printed in Germany.



This postcard depicts a family on their way to synagogue. It was published by Williamsburg Art Co., New York and was printed in Germany in 1910.



“May the new year strengthen your heart

To truly serve the Creator

And illuminate your mind

With the beacon of His Torah”

It was published by Williamsburg Art Co., New York and was printed in Germany in 1910.

This postcard depicts family gathered around a bride. It was published by S. Resnik Publishing House in Warsaw.



This postcard depicts a sepia tone photograph of a multi-generational family. It was published by Central Publishing House in German.




“At the New Year, may God grant

A thousand blessings and a thousand joys”


It was published by Williamsburg Art Co., New York and was printed in Germany in 1910.